Tuesday, November 12, 2019

DFI #9- Revision

Wednesday 13th November 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

Today we talked about Ubiquitous Learning with Kerry and Vanessa. This is about learning being anywhere, anytime, any place- which after being on the Manaiakalani journey this year I really do believe that this is what learning has become in my class.
When students are away they can find our learning on our class site. They can also see examples of what others have done which I have found has helped a lot of my learners start tasks more promptly and less students saying they don't know what they are doing. 

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional/personally?

Kerry mentioned a website that can find alternative apps https://alternativeto.net/ I will definitely use this to try and find different apps for things that I could use personally or for school things to.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

I want to have a go at using google classrooms with my students to set assignments for them and have a discussion area and see if they enjoy this.

Test day- Today we had our google exam and I passed!
The test was a lot different than what I was expecting and was a lot of reading.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

DFI #8- Computational Thinking

Wednesday 6th November 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa today - specifically empowerment?

After talking with Dorothy she made a huge point of saying that if Chromebook's are only a tool then get our families to purchase a $2 tool. We should be using these things to change the lives of our whanau. We want to empower our children in their learning. I connected with this because next year our school is offering parents the opportunity to buy the devices so this has made me really think about how I am going to make sure my students are really getting the most out of them rather than using them as a tool.

Also completely agree with what Dorothy said about Imoko, I think that this service is absolutely amazing for kids and their families as a lot of parents can't get into the doctor in our area so its great to get kids what they need when they are at school.

I also really liked what Dorothy said about making sure we use the comment section on the blogs to have a conversation with others- rather than "look someone commented on my blog" and ignoring it- this is something that Kerry and Vanessa have made sure we do when commenting on blogs at DFI. 

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

I learnt how to use scratch better which will make me use it more in my class- my kids love to use it so this will be great!
It was also great to look at the kid speak progressions for digital technologies- will be really good to share these with my school and our students so they are clear about what they are able to do.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 

It would be awesome if we could get some of the dash bots for our school. We got to use these today and I have been to another Manaiakalani school and the year 6 students taught me how to use it and it was an amazing way to connect with their learning and have the students as the teachers! I would love to see my students do this at school and in our community.
I have also used scratch with my class but now that I know more about it I will use it more in class.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

I think something that I will use in my personal life is the removing background app we were shown- makes it so much faster and easier to add pictures and get rid of the background, will also be using this at school!

Had a go at making a scratch video- want to get my kids to do something like this to show how to be Kaitiaki at our school.

Hard at work today!

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

DFI #7- Media

Wednesday 30th October 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

After talking with Dorothy my understanding of what connected means now links with why we do DFI and have sites and blogs. Connected- connecting us to a powerful network. Through Manaiakalani we get to connect with other teachers from different schools through DFI. This means we get to share ideas and resources easily with each other.  We would not get these opportunities without DFI.

Connected and share go together- because when you share you are connecting with people.
Dorothy also discussed that it is important to be connected face to face too. I agree with this because from DFI it is great to get the opportunity to meet with different educators and chat about what works at there schools and also any struggles we may be having. I also think this is why google hangouts is such a great tool that although we are not in the same room we still get to see and talk to each other easily.

I did not know that they had used the technology of twitter to use the blogs that we have to see how many blog posts have been made.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

After talking to Kent about how he uses the drone to load videos onto youtube to share with wider whanau in different areas has made me think more about how we could use this at our school. It would be amazing if we could stream live to youtube straight away.
We have a huge cross country event in the Far North and it would be amazing to have footage of that day.
I am keen to use youtube to live stream things we do in a class- I didn't know you could go live from youtube or schedule an event to happen- could be cool to have this on our class site as a count down.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 
I learnt how to create an animation and hide things behind pictures. I can show my students this, they will love it!!

Also learnt how to make a portrait on google draw which I would love to teach my kids as well!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

DFI #6- Devices

Wednesday 23rd October 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

- After talking to Dorothy this morning it has really established what Cybersmart is and why we use the positive language opposed to using "safety" or the more negative language.

- Cybersmart- we want to have the positive language so we can empower our learners as connected and confident decision makers. Manaiakalani is committed to using powerful, positive, proactive language and have developed the Cybersmart curriculum so we use on a regular basis.

- We want the students to be able to make the right decisions online and be in the right places at the right time. We want to encourage our students to tell us if they come across something they are unsure about. We want to encourage them to always do they right thing online.

- I didn't know that there were term focusses for Cybersmart- Term 1: Smart Learners (LEARN), Term 2: Smart Footprint (CREATE), Term 3: Smart Relationships (SHARE).

Everything we share online ends up being personal- "whenever and wherever we share online...it's personal".

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

- I learnt other ways to utilise Hapara- I can sort so that the kids that are online are at the top. Can use this to look at blog posts and comments.

- I am able to create differentiated groups through Hapara which I could use to link with learning groups that I have in class. You can also edit students groups from clicking individual students.

- Sharing files- you can create new files or select a file from drive- you can send to class, group or individual- could use this when I forget to add to site or if kids can't find it.

- Workspaces are great for topic- you can put the link into your site and use your site as the hub for kids to go through. You can also search for public workspaces that you can copy and use- looks amazing!

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 

- Digital Dig activities with kids- to see what they know and what else they can learn.

- I might try and use explain everything with some of my kids to help with their writing.

- I am also going to create some different screencatisfy's that I can put onto my class site that will help my kids that don't know or can't remember how to do something.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

- Learning all of the shortcuts was amazing there were a few I didn't know about so those will come in handy!

Something I created on Explain everything. 

Screencastify about the digital dig.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

DFI #5- Enabling Access (Sites).

Wednesday 16th October 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

After listening to Dorothy it became clear why it is important to make teaching and learning visible. Visible learning means the whole learning journey visible to the learner. This includes planning, process, outcomes and assessment. Personal information of the learner should still be private but the day to day planning doesn't need to be.

Hapara has been designed to help make learning visible.
If we make learning visible through our class site it also makes learning rewindable which is great in a classroom when kids are away or miss a session they can easily find what they need.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

I have learnt how to make buttons for on my site that are so much better to look and I have created a homepage that is much more appealing for my kids and my site is now much more for my kids learning. My kids will now be able to find things much easier on my site and I will be able to add more onto to make their learning visible and rewindable.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  
When learning how to make buttons I discovered how to change the shape of images- this is something I will show my kids for when they are making posters on google drawings. I will also show my learners how they can use our class site to help with their learning.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

Now that I have learnt how to design my class site I will be able to add more to my site and keep it on there which will mean spending less of my personal time on school related activities.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

DFI #4- Collaborative Sites

Wednesday 18th September 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

- After listening to Dorothy via google hangout this morning it made me realise how important for kids to share to an actual audience and that it is much more powerful for students to share using blogger than just sharing in class with other students and teachers. It was also very interesting learning about how the blogs are set up so the kids can use them safely.  

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

- I learnt how to create a site that I could use to introduce a topic to students and that I can keep the site saved in my drive to use anytime I want to do that topic again. Keeping it all in my drive in a sites folder that is shared with viewing access was helpful to know so anytime I add or create a resource I know everyone will make sure that everyone has access 
- I also learned that I can use Hapara to check my students blog posts and comments so that will make checking on their blogs much faster!

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?

- I can use Google sites and update my current site to make it more multi-modal. I will use this to introduce topics or to add more resources to my literacy and numeracy pages which I m hoping will make my kids more engaged when they are on our site.   

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

- Pre-planning my site was really helpful to organise my thoughts and ideas- I will definitely do this more to plan out other things. 

Was amazing to get some much time to practise what we had learnt. It was amazing to be in Paihia and be so close to the beach!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

DFI #3 Dealing with Data

Wednesday 11th September 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani’s Learn kaupapa and pedagogy?

Looking at create to learn again was really good and a good reminder of what we have learnt about it already. It was good to be reminded of how important creating is for learners do and gives them amazing opportunities to problem solve.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

How to use google forms and sheets. I can use google forms with my learners to get information about their learning and can put this data into google sheets.
Here is my practise google form from today- Google Form

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?

I learnt how I can turn google forms into a quiz- I could use this to make some fun questions for the kids and also as an assessment tool to help my teaching. I also have more ideas of how I can promote creating within my program more often.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

I learnt how to add places to my google maps which will be cool to make a wish list of places I want to visit and places that I have visited. This is an example of one that I created today.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

DFI #2- Workflow

Wednesday 4th September 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani’s Learn kaupapa and pedagogy?

I learnt how learn/ako links to the curriculum and how its about what we are already doing and how the digital world links with this. It also made me think about what "learn" looks like at my school and what is happening in my school. 
At my school we have PD, SENCO, RTLB's, mentoring, Phonics, DFI, Quick 60 and many more things that support the learn kaupapa.  

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

How to use google hangouts set up, invite and check availability of the people you are inviting - could use this for staff meetings or if someone is away and need to be apart of a meeting.  

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Screen recording- quick time. Could use this to record things that I want the kids to learn and they can use this to help them do certain task. I want to record my-self embedding into a blog so the kids can watch that to help them remember how to do this.
When we did this it did not record the sound be we now know that we have to turn this on when we are screen recording.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

I learnt how to organise my Gmail so different emails can be filtered to labels and have organised my Gmail so that my important emails are the first emails I see which has made my gmail much easier to look at and use. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Manaiakalani PD- Share

Tuesday 3rd September 2019

Share/Connect- Slides

Types of sharing- 
1:1- face to face
1:group 30 people
1:Crowd 30-1000 people
1:world- global (blogging). 
Looking at the positive not the negative.

Can set up an email that you can send a bog post to so can do a blog post via email. 

Summer learning journal- activities for kids to do over the summer holidays- helps to keep kids on to their learning. 

Now that there is data for Manaiakalani it has shown that year 9's from non Manaiakalani are 2 years below the national norm.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

DFI #1 - Core Business

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

After today's session I have learnt more about how the learn, create, share kaupapa can increase achievement across all learners. It was also awesome to hear from Dorothy how Manaiakalani started and came to be in so many schools. It felt like we were being told a lot of things very quickly but it was really great to be able to practice and play around with some of the new things we had been taught.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional? 

I learnt a lot of new short cuts that make day to day use so much faster and easier to use- ctrl shift V to paste without original formatting and command shift T to open recently closed tabs. I also learnt different things like voice to text to help assist some of the kids in my class. I also learnt easy ways to keep my drive tidy and in the order that I want. 

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?

I learnt how to use the explore button more and can get my kids to do different activities where they have to search for images or information or something from there google drive. I also learnt about making poster and how using a table can be a really easy way for the kids to make posters. I can also teach my learners to use voice to text when typing for some of my less capable writers and also get them to use read&write so they can listen back to what they said and use this as an editing tool.  

I was also able to create a poster using some of the things that I learnt today.

Kohia BT program

Session 1- 8th March 2019

2 truths and a lie-

Notice, recognise, respond(often means change) and revisit. (similar to inquiry cycle).

Flexible approach to grouping- need to have this with all groups.

Principles of grouping- 
- Flexible
- Mixed
- Offering opportunity
- Change

Christine Rubi Davies- becoming a high expectations teacher

Change/re-arrange groups and try things for a few weeks to see if they work.

Reflection Strategy- (Critical Thinking) 

R-3 (Re-call)

I-2  (Insight)

Q-1 (Question)

Morning so far-
Q- how can I communicate with parents/teacher aide about what we are doing with mixed ability groups? Getting away from levels with reading.

Invite parents in.

EC20 form-
Mentorship- very important need to have this from both schools.
Classroom observations- doesn't have to be from mentor teacher.
Get letter from principal to say what you have been doing while at school/who your mentor is.
2 obs a term

Session 2- 5th April 2019

Reflections- write down what is happening, keep out the feelings, write down the facts what is actually happening.
If you are making changes reflect back on the changes and make sure the change has worked.

Science Video-
1. Concept
2.Cognitive Conflict- ideas that conflict each other.
3. Constucting the learning- different things to look
4. Consider- when you are out out of the pitt- what does it mean to be a learner (real learning).
The Learning Pitt

Get them to think more- challenge and think more ask questions. Build on each others answer "I found it" share and talk and repeat.

Make a space- art collaboratively.
Leaders- change them each term.

Friday 7th June 2019
Ice-breakers to use with kids
- whisper game
- written conversation
- I remember....

Lesson with year 4's-
Grace, Troy, Luke, Eden and Mykael
1- introduce ourselves through a game 2 truths and a lie
2- quiz questions about the sharks- that linked to the book
3- read the whole story- stop and make predictions about what is going to happen next
4- talked about the characters and lead into the hot seat task
5- interview that characters while recording the questions they asked
6- draw a wanted picture about one of the characters

Could have scaffolded the hot seat task better- ideas about the characters
introduce who we are and the purpose of what we are doing

Lesson Reflection-
Would have been good to have one more activity to do at the end. Kids worked well and enjoyed the story we chosen. Good to have an art focus for the group that we have.

Friday 2nd August 2019
Ohaeawai Primary School.

T Shaped Literacy- mixed ability a range of texts that they use relating to the term focus.
https://maths.prototec.co.nz/ Basic facts

Monday, July 22, 2019

Creating high expectation classrooms- Christine Rubie Davies

Monday 22nd July 2019

High expectation teaching-

  • Grouping and learning activities 
  • Classroom climate 
  • Student autonomy- motivation and engagement
Stereotyping turns into bias- not allowing variation (grouping in class). 
When you have higher expectations research shows that the students will achieve higher.
Create opportunities for all kids to work together in mixed groups in all areas. 

Middle Block- 

Goal Setting- 

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and rewards- 

Use the interest of the kids to promote learning. 
- constantly feeding back to the kids about their learning- know what they are learning and how they can move onto the next level. Setting and re-setting goals, check and see if they can do it- prove it so they can move on. Needs to relate to the learning intentions/success criteria (don't have total autonomy).
Help seeking is critical to help with goal setting and learning- making mistakes are about learning- change the culture. 

Key factors of goal setting: 
  • Motivation 
  • Attention 
  • Challenge 
  • Feedback 
  • Self-efficacy 
  • Self-regulation 
  • The proximal versus the distal nature of the goal 
  • Self-set versus teacher-assisted goals 
Implementing goal setting- 
  • Personal bests 
  • E-asTTle and goal setting 
  • SMART goals
Need to be taught how to set goals- use something they have already have eg asttle test ILP/PAT

Last Block- 

Classroom climate- 
Body language- what are we showing the kids. 

What have the kids got going on outside of school. 

Focus on the behaviour and not the student. 
Does our facial expression match the emotion?
Whanau involvement- what do parents have an interest in at the start of the year.
Call parents when their kids are doing well- not just for bad things. 

Attributes of a effective teacher. 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Manaiakalani WFRC presention

Phonics Observation

Observation- 1st March 2019

Lesson being observed
- Phonics with year 1 new entrant students.
Started with sound at the end of the word (AT).

Teacher- Petrina Yuretich
- Introduce the puppet being used to the class before beginning the lesson.
- Show pictures that represent the word and say the end of the word wrong, get kids to correct and say what the last sound is.
- Rhyming with the robot breaking up the word to each sound.
- when kids are writing the letters make sure this is done right- model on the board if the need it and have the words there to help the first couple of times
Spend only about 10-15 mins doing this- too long and it won’t be purposeful anymore.
What will be the way for me to do this in my classroom?
Time of day that is best suited?
What will the rest of the class do?
Vicky to work with higher group to reinforce the letter sounds?
Where are the kids at from last year?

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Alison Davies- Reading comprehension


Reading comprehension:
Readings from book chapter 1 and 2.
Knowledge of text structure helps navigate the comprehension- teaching what to do when students get stuck- learning how to integrate strategies.
Focus on acceleration
New NAGS show progress and achievement- looking at progression and reporting on that. Range of high quality assessment tools.
Still anniversary for 1-3.
What are we going to do differently to get/keep kids in the trajectory.
If kids are not at where they need to be- need to revisit what we are doing.
What problems have the kids got and what am I going to do about it?
When trialing go for about 5 weeks- if it doesn’t work stop and change.
Rapid cycles of inquiry- a series of fast quick cycles to find out what practices we can adapt that works for the kids.
Progression and acceleration- are a huge focus.
Agency is power and control over learning- do they have this?
Formative assessment helps to unpack and understand learning.

Key ideas-
  • Teach strategies that are known, used(why, when, how), selected and combined by good readers- kids to control and use them. Strategy movement. Explain, demonstrate (think aloud, peer assessing) and teach it back- practice, maintenance- use them accurately when they don’t know meaning. Good readers chart to use reading across the curriculum.
  • Using strong metacognitively (Knowing their learning)  rich approaches within our teaching.
  • Ensuring accessibility to text- shared reading- above their level and giving them access to something they would never have had before , supporting kids to do well, variety- not one size fits all.
  • Activating and building prior knowledge- if you know about what you are reading you have a connection straight away- scaffold.
  • Selecting and combining the most appropriate teaching approach and tasks to meet and extend ability.
  • Active engagement from learners.

How do we get to know what is going on for the students- what is going on inside their heads.
Don’t let the kids get into a pattern- change it up. Shared book doesn’t have to be for a week.
Motivation, engagement and self efficacy (how do I feel about the task) are the glue. Students can choose their books- select 5 and then give them a choice of 3 (creating interest). Attitude is harder- students need to love it, self concept. Task design and breaking down the task. Creating value- what are the learning benefits and having goals- goal making and goal reaching, need to have a way to get there.

What is a strategy- how do we explain what a strategy?
This is like…
This is when...
Can use these to help kids to understand words- can they give an example of the word.
Ways to figure and solve a problem. Can use it automatically (quickly).
Knowing the ‘’tools’’ to use.
Know what the problem is and what tools to use to solve the problem- right tool on the right problem. What order do we use?
Need to know-
  • Name of the strategy- that it exists.
  • What it ‘looks’ like
  • How to use it
  • Does it need more than one strategy? Which order so you use it in?
Decoding, Vocab, Fluency strategies- build on these to help kids understand and use them.
Sentence level and sentence comprehension.
Continuous text-
Within a paragraph- looking within it
Between paragraph- how do they connect- one idea developing into the next idea
Across paragraph- inference, purpose, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Picking up clues along the way to find out information- it does not explicitly say something
Non- continuous-
Graphs tables, photos and captions and diagrams- analysing, discussing the visual text. Purpose- usually clarifies what is in the text or add new ideas. Need to know the visuals- what information are they learning from the picture- assign a picture and come up with two facts for the picture.
Must address the strategies several times- must have decoding, fluency and vocab every level and have a maintenance program. Must teach syllables- top spelling strategy- kids need to say it out aloud several- how many syllables do I hear? Try the word but put the syllable lines in.
Prefixes and suffixes- 20 most commonly known.
Pre before and then root word and suffix at the end. Prefixes have meaning- if kids know what they mean they will be good. Can we see a base/root word- need to learn this because it is the tricky part- then they will know the family of them.
Don’t teach via a worksheet- not exciting and kids usually go through them fast.
Making worksheets with kids or kids make their own for each other.

Comprehension strategies- using them in combination
Prior knowledge- preparing kids to make sense of the text. Give them activities the link to their prior knowledge, what they know about the text is formative assessment for me.
Students should do a prior knowledge building activity-
Decoding- word knowledge
Vocab building
Fluency- accurately with comprehension
The second read is where you get into note taking- if they have content knowledge note taking will be good.
Comprehension- new, content related practice past strategies.

Making connections to prior knowledge- kid friendly definition.
Prior knowledge- what we already know about something, thinking about what we already know.
Sharing and thinking about what we already know.
Scaffolds- another text i have read about this taught me… (Sentence starters and prompts).
An experience I have had like this… Creating oral discussion around prior knowledge.
Value of getting kid friendly definitions back means that they will understand it and it will stick.
Prior knowledge when you are reading- making connections all the way along while reading. Helps you monitor if you are on the right track or not (self monitoring).

Before reading the text:
Activities- these activities tend to be generic.
Traffic light green, orange red
Mind maps
Grid- before, during and after- can have before as a blank.
Synonym grid- similar to the grid- if you cannot sketch a word you don’t know what it looks like- justify the sketch- why?
Word investigations- give the kids one or two words to find out about the word- present back a slide or two on it (good for inquiry).  
If the words have tricky spelling- decoding follow up.
K- what do we know. V- vocab we know already- can be on own, groups, teacher scroll.
Can extend to vocab learned and content learned- note taking. Can use this as a vocab follow up activity. Oral retell.
Previewing the text- put in the features of the text you are reading. Eventually the kids will do this.

What I discovered
What we predict about what we will read- in the rest of the story

Anticipatory guides-

Think before
Agree or disagree
Write truths and false about the text topic
Think after
Agree or disagree

Eg- Everyone has Asthma

In the picture/diagram I can see…
I already know…
A question I have before reading is….
Add a like in the middle and they can do more than one picture in the text.

What makes learning stick- linking to prior knowledge before.

Reading- Co planning and teaching

Vision Co-planning and Co-teaching - Guided Reading

Teacher Name: Lauren Date: 15th/16th May

Colleague Observing: Natasha Gunson

Plan to read with a group of students including at least 2 focus students

Our agreed protocol (key points) BEFORE co teaching takes place.

Teacher inquiry/ goal/ next steps-

Reading focus



Asking and answering questions

Making connections

Vocab strategies

Predict and repredict





To negotiate

Learner Needs to be addressed in this session

Sivaan, Zaijan (Y4), Eason, Alvin and James - Reading Recovery (Turquoise) Children in this group also attend ESOL and MST. Their decoding skills are okay.

Strategies and Approaches e.g. Shared reading, Guided reading …...to be used to address learner needs

Learning Intention and Success Criteria

WALT Ask and answer questions when we read

SC Our question will start with a 5w

Our question will be related to the story and/or to what we already know

Find proof of my answer within the text

Prior Knowledge







Chunks purpose and prompt

Read to find out...

Possible follow up activities

Teacher to do- teacher to led the lesson with facilitator jumping in to support

Facilitator to do- Here you can identify a particular part of the lesson you may want the facilitator to lead – you do not need to fill this in if you do not have a particular part in mind.

Lauren will do her vocabulary activity - Helen to add to this/jump in when needed.

Why do we need to know to ask and answer questions (page 77 - Building Comprehension Strategies) Make note of it in our modelling book - ‘Learning to ask and answer questions is important because…

Lauren to model a ‘think aloud’

The children break into teams. Given a part of a text. Each team will develop a question. Ask their question to the group - other group members to find it. Find the proof in the text.

End - refer back to ‘Learning to ask and answer questions is important because…’

Co-teaching Reflection

What did we notice?
What would we change? / Why?
What would we keep doing? / Why?

What did we notice? calm , caring approach to teaching
Using questions to prompt their thinking
Linking knowledge from one context to another e.g. 5 w’s and a h in writing

What would we change? Why?

Start with writing questions based on what is in the text - what they can find from the text
Set the scene - of the expectation that reading involves ‘ thinking’
Change the group
What would we keep doing ? Why?
Keep come back to the LI and SC frequently and add to this as their knowledge grows
Praise/celebrate the ‘thinking’ that is occurring in the lesson
Co-construct the LI and SC
Linking to prior knowledge
Vocab activity

Where to next for Target group?
Continue to work together with asking and answering questions. Once they have an understanding about this they can break away into pairs to ask their own questions.
The next reading focus could lead into retell and paraphrasing.

Where to next for my own PCK?
Keep referring to Reading comprehension strategies book
Co teaching Reflection
What worked well in this model? What can be done better? What else?
Planning the lesson together worked well because we were able to decide who would do what and we both knew what to expect.
It was good to have both Natasha and Helen their as they both noticed different things.

New Zealand Teaching Standards

Standard 1

Te Tiriti o Waitangi PartnershipDemonstrate commitment to tangata whenuatanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand.

  • Understand and recognise of the unique status of tangata whenua in Aotearoa New Zealand.
  • Understand and acknowledge the histories, heritages, languages and cultures of partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
  • Practise and develop the use of te reo and tikanga Māori.

Standard 2

Professional LearningUse inquiry, collaborative problem-solving and professional learning to improve professional capability to impact on the learning and achievement of all learners.
  • Inquire into and reflect on the effectiveness of practice in an ongoing way, using evidence from a range of sources.
  • Critically examine how my own assumptions and beliefs, including cultural beliefs, impact on practice and the achievement of learners with different abilities and needs, backgrounds, genders, identities, languages and cultures.
  • Engage in professional learning and adaptively apply this learning in practice.
  • Be informed by research and innovations related to: content disciplines; pedagogy; teaching for diverse learners including learners with disabilities and learning support needs; and wider education matters.
  • Seek and respond to feedback from learners, colleagues and other education professionals, and engage in collaborative problem solving and learning-focused collegial discussions.

Standard 3

Professional Relationships
Establish and maintain professional relationships and behaviours focused on the learning and well being of each learner.
  • Engage in reciprocal, collaborative learning-focused relationships with: - learners, family and whānau - teaching colleagues, support staff and other professionals - agencies, groups and individuals in the community.
  • Communicate effectively with others.
  • Actively contribute, and work collegially, in the pursuit of improving my own and organisational practice, showing leadership, particularly in areas of responsibility.
  • Communicate clear and accurate assessment for learning and achievement information.

Standard 4

Learning-focused Culture
Develop a culture that is focused on learning, and is characterised by respect, inclusion, empathy, collaboration and safety.
  • Develop learning-focused relationships with learners, enabling them to be active participants in the process of learning, sharing ownership and responsibility for learning.
  • Foster trust, respect and cooperation with and among learners so that they experience an environment in which it is safe to take risks.
  • Demonstrate high expectations for the learning outcomes of all learners, including for those learners with disabilities or learning support needs.
  • Manage the learning setting to ensure access to learning for all and to maximise learners’ physical, social, cultural and emotional safety.
  • Create an environment where learners can be confident in their identities, languages, cultures and abilities.
  • Develop an environment where the diversity and uniqueness of all learners are accepted and valued. 
  • Meet relevant regulatory, statutory and professional requirements.

Standard 5

Design for Learning
Design learning based on curriculum and pedagogical knowledge, assessment information and an understanding of each learner’s strengths, interests, needs, identities, languages and cultures.

  • Select teaching approaches, resources, and learning and assessment activities based on a thorough knowledge of curriculum content, pedagogy, progressions in learning and the learners. 
  • Gather, analyse and use appropriate assessment information, identifying progress and needs of learners to design clear next steps in learning and to identify additional supports or adaptations that may be required. 
  • Design and plan culturally responsive, evidence-based approaches which reflect the local community and Te Tiriti o Waitangi partnership in New Zealand. 
  • Harness the rich capital that learners bring by providing culturally responsive and engaging contexts for learners. 
  • Design learning informed by national policies and priorities.

Standard 6

Teach and respond to learners in a knowledgeable and adaptive way to progress their learning at an appropriate depth and pace.
  • Teach in ways that ensure all learners are making sufficient progress, monitor the extent and pace of learning, focusing on equity and excellence for all. 
  • Specifically support the educational aspirations for Māori learners, taking shared responsibility for these learners to achieve educational success as Māori. 
  • Use an increasing repertoire of teaching strategies, approaches, learning activities, technologies and assessment for learning strategies and modify these in response to the needs of individuals and groups of learners. 
  • Provide opportunities and support for learners to engage with, practise and apply learning to different contexts and make connections with prior learning. 
  • Teach in ways which enable learners to learn from one another, to collaborate, to self-regulate, and to develop agency over their learning. 
  • Ensure learners receive ongoing feedback and assessment information and support them to use this information to guide further learning