Reading comprehension:
Readings from book chapter 1 and 2.
Knowledge of text structure helps navigate the comprehension- teaching what to do when students get stuck- learning how to integrate strategies.
Focus on acceleration
New NAGS show progress and achievement- looking at progression and reporting on that. Range of high quality assessment tools.
Still anniversary for 1-3.
What are we going to do differently to get/keep kids in the trajectory.
If kids are not at where they need to be- need to revisit what we are doing.
What problems have the kids got and what am I going to do about it?
When trialing go for about 5 weeks- if it doesn’t work stop and change.
Rapid cycles of inquiry- a series of fast quick cycles to find out what practices we can adapt that works for the kids.
Progression and acceleration- are a huge focus.
Agency is power and control over learning- do they have this?
Formative assessment helps to unpack and understand learning.
Key ideas-
- Teach strategies that are known, used(why, when, how), selected and combined by good readers- kids to control and use them. Strategy movement. Explain, demonstrate (think aloud, peer assessing) and teach it back- practice, maintenance- use them accurately when they don’t know meaning. Good readers chart to use reading across the curriculum.
- Using strong metacognitively (Knowing their learning) rich approaches within our teaching.
- Ensuring accessibility to text- shared reading- above their level and giving them access to something they would never have had before , supporting kids to do well, variety- not one size fits all.
- Activating and building prior knowledge- if you know about what you are reading you have a connection straight away- scaffold.
- Selecting and combining the most appropriate teaching approach and tasks to meet and extend ability.
- Active engagement from learners.
How do we get to know what is going on for the students- what is going on inside their heads.
Don’t let the kids get into a pattern- change it up. Shared book doesn’t have to be for a week.
Motivation, engagement and self efficacy (how do I feel about the task) are the glue. Students can choose their books- select 5 and then give them a choice of 3 (creating interest). Attitude is harder- students need to love it, self concept. Task design and breaking down the task. Creating value- what are the learning benefits and having goals- goal making and goal reaching, need to have a way to get there.
What is a strategy- how do we explain what a strategy?
This is like…
This is when...
Can use these to help kids to understand words- can they give an example of the word.
Ways to figure and solve a problem. Can use it automatically (quickly).
Knowing the ‘’tools’’ to use.
Know what the problem is and what tools to use to solve the problem- right tool on the right problem. What order do we use?
Need to know-
- Name of the strategy- that it exists.
- What it ‘looks’ like
- How to use it
- Does it need more than one strategy? Which order so you use it in?
Decoding, Vocab, Fluency strategies- build on these to help kids understand and use them.
Sentence level and sentence comprehension.
Continuous text-
Within a paragraph- looking within it
Between paragraph- how do they connect- one idea developing into the next idea
Across paragraph- inference, purpose, analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
Picking up clues along the way to find out information- it does not explicitly say something
Non- continuous-
Graphs tables, photos and captions and diagrams- analysing, discussing the visual text. Purpose- usually clarifies what is in the text or add new ideas. Need to know the visuals- what information are they learning from the picture- assign a picture and come up with two facts for the picture.
Must address the strategies several times- must have decoding, fluency and vocab every level and have a maintenance program. Must teach syllables- top spelling strategy- kids need to say it out aloud several- how many syllables do I hear? Try the word but put the syllable lines in.
Prefixes and suffixes- 20 most commonly known.
Pre before and then root word and suffix at the end. Prefixes have meaning- if kids know what they mean they will be good. Can we see a base/root word- need to learn this because it is the tricky part- then they will know the family of them.
Don’t teach via a worksheet- not exciting and kids usually go through them fast.
Making worksheets with kids or kids make their own for each other.
Comprehension strategies- using them in combination
Prior knowledge- preparing kids to make sense of the text. Give them activities the link to their prior knowledge, what they know about the text is formative assessment for me.
Students should do a prior knowledge building activity-
Decoding- word knowledge
Vocab building
Fluency- accurately with comprehension
The second read is where you get into note taking- if they have content knowledge note taking will be good.
Comprehension- new, content related practice past strategies.
Making connections to prior knowledge- kid friendly definition.
Prior knowledge- what we already know about something, thinking about what we already know.
Sharing and thinking about what we already know.
Scaffolds- another text i have read about this taught me… (Sentence starters and prompts).
An experience I have had like this… Creating oral discussion around prior knowledge.
Value of getting kid friendly definitions back means that they will understand it and it will stick.
Prior knowledge when you are reading- making connections all the way along while reading. Helps you monitor if you are on the right track or not (self monitoring).
Before reading the text:
Activities- these activities tend to be generic.
Traffic light green, orange red
Mind maps
Grid- before, during and after- can have before as a blank.
Synonym grid- similar to the grid- if you cannot sketch a word you don’t know what it looks like- justify the sketch- why?
Word investigations- give the kids one or two words to find out about the word- present back a slide or two on it (good for inquiry).
If the words have tricky spelling- decoding follow up.
K- what do we know. V- vocab we know already- can be on own, groups, teacher scroll.
Can extend to vocab learned and content learned- note taking. Can use this as a vocab follow up activity. Oral retell.
Previewing the text- put in the features of the text you are reading. Eventually the kids will do this.
What I discovered
What we predict about what we will read- in the rest of the story
Anticipatory guides-
Think before
Agree or disagree
Write truths and false about the text topic
Think after
Agree or disagree
Eg- Everyone has Asthma
In the picture/diagram I can see…
I already know…
A question I have before reading is….
Add a like in the middle and they can do more than one picture in the text.
What makes learning stick- linking to prior knowledge before.
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