Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Reading- Co planning and teaching

Vision Co-planning and Co-teaching - Guided Reading

Teacher Name: Lauren Date: 15th/16th May

Colleague Observing: Natasha Gunson

Plan to read with a group of students including at least 2 focus students

Our agreed protocol (key points) BEFORE co teaching takes place.

Teacher inquiry/ goal/ next steps-

Reading focus



Asking and answering questions

Making connections

Vocab strategies

Predict and repredict





To negotiate

Learner Needs to be addressed in this session

Sivaan, Zaijan (Y4), Eason, Alvin and James - Reading Recovery (Turquoise) Children in this group also attend ESOL and MST. Their decoding skills are okay.

Strategies and Approaches e.g. Shared reading, Guided reading …...to be used to address learner needs

Learning Intention and Success Criteria

WALT Ask and answer questions when we read

SC Our question will start with a 5w

Our question will be related to the story and/or to what we already know

Find proof of my answer within the text

Prior Knowledge







Chunks purpose and prompt

Read to find out...

Possible follow up activities

Teacher to do- teacher to led the lesson with facilitator jumping in to support

Facilitator to do- Here you can identify a particular part of the lesson you may want the facilitator to lead – you do not need to fill this in if you do not have a particular part in mind.

Lauren will do her vocabulary activity - Helen to add to this/jump in when needed.

Why do we need to know to ask and answer questions (page 77 - Building Comprehension Strategies) Make note of it in our modelling book - ‘Learning to ask and answer questions is important because…

Lauren to model a ‘think aloud’

The children break into teams. Given a part of a text. Each team will develop a question. Ask their question to the group - other group members to find it. Find the proof in the text.

End - refer back to ‘Learning to ask and answer questions is important because…’

Co-teaching Reflection

What did we notice?
What would we change? / Why?
What would we keep doing? / Why?

What did we notice? calm , caring approach to teaching
Using questions to prompt their thinking
Linking knowledge from one context to another e.g. 5 w’s and a h in writing

What would we change? Why?

Start with writing questions based on what is in the text - what they can find from the text
Set the scene - of the expectation that reading involves ‘ thinking’
Change the group
What would we keep doing ? Why?
Keep come back to the LI and SC frequently and add to this as their knowledge grows
Praise/celebrate the ‘thinking’ that is occurring in the lesson
Co-construct the LI and SC
Linking to prior knowledge
Vocab activity

Where to next for Target group?
Continue to work together with asking and answering questions. Once they have an understanding about this they can break away into pairs to ask their own questions.
The next reading focus could lead into retell and paraphrasing.

Where to next for my own PCK?
Keep referring to Reading comprehension strategies book
Co teaching Reflection
What worked well in this model? What can be done better? What else?
Planning the lesson together worked well because we were able to decide who would do what and we both knew what to expect.
It was good to have both Natasha and Helen their as they both noticed different things.

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