Tuesday, October 29, 2019

DFI #7- Media

Wednesday 30th October 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

After talking with Dorothy my understanding of what connected means now links with why we do DFI and have sites and blogs. Connected- connecting us to a powerful network. Through Manaiakalani we get to connect with other teachers from different schools through DFI. This means we get to share ideas and resources easily with each other.  We would not get these opportunities without DFI.

Connected and share go together- because when you share you are connecting with people.
Dorothy also discussed that it is important to be connected face to face too. I agree with this because from DFI it is great to get the opportunity to meet with different educators and chat about what works at there schools and also any struggles we may be having. I also think this is why google hangouts is such a great tool that although we are not in the same room we still get to see and talk to each other easily.

I did not know that they had used the technology of twitter to use the blogs that we have to see how many blog posts have been made.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

After talking to Kent about how he uses the drone to load videos onto youtube to share with wider whanau in different areas has made me think more about how we could use this at our school. It would be amazing if we could stream live to youtube straight away.
We have a huge cross country event in the Far North and it would be amazing to have footage of that day.
I am keen to use youtube to live stream things we do in a class- I didn't know you could go live from youtube or schedule an event to happen- could be cool to have this on our class site as a count down.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 
I learnt how to create an animation and hide things behind pictures. I can show my students this, they will love it!!

Also learnt how to make a portrait on google draw which I would love to teach my kids as well!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

DFI #6- Devices

Wednesday 23rd October 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

- After talking to Dorothy this morning it has really established what Cybersmart is and why we use the positive language opposed to using "safety" or the more negative language.

- Cybersmart- we want to have the positive language so we can empower our learners as connected and confident decision makers. Manaiakalani is committed to using powerful, positive, proactive language and have developed the Cybersmart curriculum so we use on a regular basis.

- We want the students to be able to make the right decisions online and be in the right places at the right time. We want to encourage our students to tell us if they come across something they are unsure about. We want to encourage them to always do they right thing online.

- I didn't know that there were term focusses for Cybersmart- Term 1: Smart Learners (LEARN), Term 2: Smart Footprint (CREATE), Term 3: Smart Relationships (SHARE).

Everything we share online ends up being personal- "whenever and wherever we share online...it's personal".

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

- I learnt other ways to utilise Hapara- I can sort so that the kids that are online are at the top. Can use this to look at blog posts and comments.

- I am able to create differentiated groups through Hapara which I could use to link with learning groups that I have in class. You can also edit students groups from clicking individual students.

- Sharing files- you can create new files or select a file from drive- you can send to class, group or individual- could use this when I forget to add to site or if kids can't find it.

- Workspaces are great for topic- you can put the link into your site and use your site as the hub for kids to go through. You can also search for public workspaces that you can copy and use- looks amazing!

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 

- Digital Dig activities with kids- to see what they know and what else they can learn.

- I might try and use explain everything with some of my kids to help with their writing.

- I am also going to create some different screencatisfy's that I can put onto my class site that will help my kids that don't know or can't remember how to do something.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

- Learning all of the shortcuts was amazing there were a few I didn't know about so those will come in handy!

Something I created on Explain everything. 

Screencastify about the digital dig.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

DFI #5- Enabling Access (Sites).

Wednesday 16th October 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

After listening to Dorothy it became clear why it is important to make teaching and learning visible. Visible learning means the whole learning journey visible to the learner. This includes planning, process, outcomes and assessment. Personal information of the learner should still be private but the day to day planning doesn't need to be.

Hapara has been designed to help make learning visible.
If we make learning visible through our class site it also makes learning rewindable which is great in a classroom when kids are away or miss a session they can easily find what they need.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

I have learnt how to make buttons for on my site that are so much better to look and I have created a homepage that is much more appealing for my kids and my site is now much more for my kids learning. My kids will now be able to find things much easier on my site and I will be able to add more onto to make their learning visible and rewindable.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  
When learning how to make buttons I discovered how to change the shape of images- this is something I will show my kids for when they are making posters on google drawings. I will also show my learners how they can use our class site to help with their learning.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

Now that I have learnt how to design my class site I will be able to add more to my site and keep it on there which will mean spending less of my personal time on school related activities.