Thursday, August 24, 2023

Day 8- Creating

Today we have been focusing on create and why this is so important. 

This has been great for me as this has been a huge discussion at my school around how we can hook students into what they are learning about and the activities and possible create tasks we were shown today will definitely help. 

A task we had to do today was create a short 1 minute film about a book we would recommend to someone. This is a task I know my students will love doing as they have been loving filming and acting and being creative. This is also something that will be easy to implement with my class as we already have a place to film and have ipads available for this. I also like that this is something they can share on their blogs as I find it hard to find things to add to their blogs that link to reading and what they are learning in reading. 

Another activity that we did today was recording ourselves read a poem and then used AI to come up with a photo that we thought matched it. I often read to my class and get them to draw what they think a character looks like or the setting but I liked that this took it to the next level. 

Looking at the create examples will be super helpful when I am planning for my groups and also for shared reading. There were lots of suggestions for different sites that can be used for our create tasks too  - I have never used google earth or Minecraft in reading so I am keen to give this a go! 

It was great to be given so many examples and resources that are easy to use and to plan for too.   

I am looking forward to planning some create tasks and seeing what my class comes up with and shares on their blogs!


  1. Kia Ora Lauren,
    I hope you are feeling better.
    I am enjoying reading your reflections and hearing how you are going to get more creative ideas into your reading program. I am also learning about great create ideas and thinking about how I can introduce them into the cybersmart lessons.
    I can not wait to see the quality posts from your students sharring their inovative creative ideas.

  2. Hi Lauren, I am pleased you found so much of the day's content to be practical. Like Donna I can't wait to see how you incorporate this into your classroom teaching! Kiri
