Day 5 - Planning a reading programme
Wow when you break down a reading programme there is so many great things in it.
A few things that really stood out to me are:
This is not only about timetabling when we do reading during the week but also timetabling when we see our students, when we give feedback and our overall literacy programme.
Apps for reading:
Literacy planet - setup with my class. We have never used this in my class and when I had a play around it I think my kids will really like it.
Epic - assign texts to students. I already use epic but I will be assigning texts to students that link with other things we are doing across the curriculum.
Linking reading to writing:
I am going to try this activity with my whole class this week and see what my class comes up with- I will also model and ask my teacher aid to as well so they can see what we come up with as well.
I have never tried this before but I know my students will like it. I really like that they will have an example of how another author has written and the prompting questions are really easy to understand and follow along with.

Reading across the curriculum:
This something that we try to implement across our school already so it was great to have tome to think about where we make connections and whether we need to try and it across other areas more. I find it easy to link reading and writing with my class and with our inquiry as well. In maths we use a problem solving approach so students have to use their reading skills to unpack what the questions are asking and also what the words mean in the questions.
Over the next 3 weeks one of my main goals is to try the reading to write activity that we did and get some of the students to record what they came up with.