Thursday, March 9, 2023

RPI Day 2 - Know your Learners as Readers

 Friday 10th March 2023

WOW what a day!! So much new learning I have to try over the next few weeks.

What did I learn that could improve my capability and confidence in teaching reading?

There has been a lot of information given to us today. One of the main things that I want to focus on is actually unpacking the data that we collect and how I can use this to guide and inform my planning.

The teacher workbook has been great to look at and start inputting information into. One thing that I have always found really tricky is having all the information in so many other places, so I am really looking forward to playing around with this and consolidating my planning and data into one place. It was also really helpful going through it because it did look a bit daunting when we first started looking at it.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 

I learnt how to unpack the PAT data and use this to inform my teaching - links to the ARB's and that I can use these with my students. This will also be a good way for me to see which students didn't understand the questions or if it was just in the PAT setting that they didn't.

What did I learn that could be shared within my wider community, with either colleagues, or whānau/aiga?

I want to share back with our snr syndicate about actually unpacking the data that we get from the reading PAT so that they can al use this to help inform some of the students next steps and also to find common themes across their classrooms and even school wide what there could be.

This is one of the slides that has really stuck with me today as I feel as though we can get so caught up in trying to make a SC but it's not actually purposeful/valuable for all leaners. But I do want to make sure that I am co-constructing SC with my reading groups more often. This is something I personally find hard when I start to run out of time with my groups.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren, Glad to hear you found day 2 valuable for your teaching practise. It is always surprising to me teachers that get their students to sit PAT and then don't dig into the results. I'm glad to hear you will be sharing with your colleagues! Looking forward to session 3 in a few weeks.
