Thursday, March 30, 2023

RPI Day 3 - Text selection

Text Selection:

It has been really great today to look at text selection today. It is often really easy to just chose a text that is at the level of the students but not think about what they are specifically learning to do. 

 It is really important for students to feel as though they are represented in a text and can connect to a text - this is something that I often find a challenge as we are quite limited with the texts that we have available. Using journal surf can help find books that we may have or that we can find online. We currently use Wushka so I can also utilise this better to help with this. 

Groupings for reading:

I have always had guided reading groups that are based on students levels and how students will work together - these often change based on reflections.

Something that I want to do more of is mixed ability grouping where the learning is based more on a common learning area that students need support in. This something I can plan and implement into term 2. 

I really enjoyed the conversation about vocab and unpacking this a bit as this has been a focus for some of my learners this term and made me confident in the words that I have made sure we discussed and look at. 

I really liked the summarising skill builder. This is something that I want to build into my programme and I want to try this in shared reading first and bring it into guided sessions later on. I am also going to share the resources with my team as I think it is a good step by step instruction on what to do.

Summarising part 1

Summarising part 2

Wider reading programme:

It was great looking into this as it confirmed that there is already a lot that I am doing in my class but also that I can add paired reading to this as well. This is something that I want to develop in term 2. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

RPI Day 2 - Know your Learners as Readers

 Friday 10th March 2023

WOW what a day!! So much new learning I have to try over the next few weeks.

What did I learn that could improve my capability and confidence in teaching reading?

There has been a lot of information given to us today. One of the main things that I want to focus on is actually unpacking the data that we collect and how I can use this to guide and inform my planning.

The teacher workbook has been great to look at and start inputting information into. One thing that I have always found really tricky is having all the information in so many other places, so I am really looking forward to playing around with this and consolidating my planning and data into one place. It was also really helpful going through it because it did look a bit daunting when we first started looking at it.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 

I learnt how to unpack the PAT data and use this to inform my teaching - links to the ARB's and that I can use these with my students. This will also be a good way for me to see which students didn't understand the questions or if it was just in the PAT setting that they didn't.

What did I learn that could be shared within my wider community, with either colleagues, or whānau/aiga?

I want to share back with our snr syndicate about actually unpacking the data that we get from the reading PAT so that they can al use this to help inform some of the students next steps and also to find common themes across their classrooms and even school wide what there could be.

This is one of the slides that has really stuck with me today as I feel as though we can get so caught up in trying to make a SC but it's not actually purposeful/valuable for all leaners. But I do want to make sure that I am co-constructing SC with my reading groups more often. This is something I personally find hard when I start to run out of time with my groups.

Reading practise intensive - Week 1 homework.

 After RPI day 1 we had 2 goals to achieve before our next session. 

Goal 1:To investigate the reading profiles of my class through the reading survey and to explore ways to improve their enjoyment and amount of reading in their own time.

Goal 2: For learners to use (and reflect on) their use of the ground rules to have learning conversations.

Reflection of goal 1-

It was a bit harder to do the survey with my class then I thought it would be but I read it to my class and had my teacher aide help students to answer it.

My key finding from this survey after analysing the data were:
- 33% of my class are not reading anything for enjoyment at the moment, even though they said they like reading in their own time. 
- Most students have a pretty good feeling towards reading and know what they like to read.
-Most of the skills they said good readers have are decoding strategies. 

From this I want to make sure my students understand the strategies of a good reader so they know what they can/need to do when reading. I also want to make sure they get lots of time to choose and read books that they want to read. 

Things I have already started are SSR time and making time to chat with my students about the book they are reading and why they chose it. Helping them to find books they like by looking at the4 blurb/hook on the back. 
Using online books to get them interested in reading as well. 

Goal 2:
I have shown all my reading groups the ground rules to have learning conversations and we have set one for each group and for the whole class as well. 

I have found that having one clear goal has been great and when the kids are reminded they are really trying to follow it. It has helped keep them on track in there groups too and they agreed that there goal will help when they are reading with their group. 

I also shared the youtube clip of why kids love to read with my class and they really enjoyed it and agreed with what some of those kids said and were also able to share a bit about what they love about reading.