Tuesday, September 26, 2023

PAT Testing PD

How to best use PAT testing. 

  • When testing if kids need a lower test you need to go down by 2 or 3 tests or go up by 2 tests. 
  • Using PAT along with the PACT tool is good evidence to back up an OTJ. 
  • Can look at the scale based on gender and ethnicity. 
  • 2 years worth of difficulty in one test.
Use ARB's to help for teaching. 
Kids are moving for the levels because they can read but they haven't got the comprehension strategies to do this. 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

RPI Day 9

WOW the last RPI! 

Today's focus was on sharing and connecting.  

I need to make sure that I plan for sharing time more often. I need to build this into my timetable so we are doing it more regularly. My goal is that my class can do this as a follow up task once a week when they are not working with the teacher.  

I also want to comment on blogs and give feedback. I would like to create a comment space where my students reply to these comments and act on the feedback too. 

I am going to print off this slide to help when I am leaving feedback. 

We find it hard to get whānau engagement on our blogs but I think the idea of setting a task for our tamariki to do at home with their whānau would be a great way to get them involved and if students blog about this activity whānau could be more likely to want to see what they have said on their blogs. 

I have really enjoyed all the skill builders we have done on RPI. Its been great to focus on one skill and dive into it and get lots of resources and ideas to teach these different reading strategies. I especially liked summarising as this is something I always found a bit harder to do with my learners, so getting more ideas and resources was perfect for my class!