Thursday, October 28, 2021

Manaiakalani Cluster Mtg

MK data: use this data to support our class program

Session 1- 

What can we do to make an impact: 

Reading with intent has 3 different levels: 

We are TMP02:

Examples of T-shapes literacy in jnr and snr school. 
-linking texts can be through characters, friendships, an overall unified theme. 

Are we choosing diverse texts that are culturally responsive to our learners?

Selecting texts for our learners- are our students feeling connected to the texts we are selecting, do they see themselves within a text/feeling worthy because they are represented in a text, but still opens up their imagination. Think about the multiple personalities students have. 


Literal questions is good, need to work on open ended questions a bit more, extended discussion (not lead by teacher) needs improvement. 

Need to plan the high order questions otherwise they won't get asked/discussed - this needs to be purposeful. 

Difference between discussion and questioning- 

Extended discussion - needs to go around the children not back and forward to the teacher. Teaching the children to have these discussions and to listen to each other so they can add to the discussions. 

Students have a discussion example: 

There will be a big push on critical literacy: 

More choice for create within a reading programme- 

Increase student engagement:

Sharing learning- we need to increase how much our students get to share - blogging needs to connect to reading create tasks more, this can also be more in person sharing.

Readings of interest:

Almarode, J., Hattie, J., Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2021). Rebounding and reinvesting. Where the evidence points for accelerating learning. A GOLD paper. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. Retrieved from: en-us/nam/white-paper-reinvesting-and-rebounding

Text analysis and finding evidence in text:

Multimodal text and critical literacy:

Oracy in the Classroom:

Disciplinary Literacy: 

Session 2- 

Manaiakalani innovative teachers presentations:

Using Mote on google slides to explain what they need to do.

Session 3- 

Goals for 2022 Te Hiku Cluster: