Sheena Cameron & Louise Dempsey - Far North REAP
Using Lipograms- write a sentence missing one letter from the alphabet. Using a visual aid is good for this so kids have something to look at.
Panogram- write a sentence using all the letters of the alphabet.
Purpose & Audience:
- Structure remains the same, language features / what we add is what changes.
- Can be good to make a
Have a coverage list for writing- make it fit where it will work best. Don't start them to early. Level 2 ready to learn more about the text structure.
Add variety do some fun stuff - quick writes.
Do less and do it well- not about the quantity it is about the quality.
Sequence for writing:
- Lesson introduction (15mins)
- Independent Writing (guided) (20 mins) this can sometimes take to long. Guide one group. Still roam and to check ins.
- Lesson Wrap-up (this is often forgotten about). Need to stop and check in with the lesson. How did it go for the kids. (10mins).
Break writing into chunks, don't give it all to them on day 1.
Generating Ideas for writing- curriculum, activating memories, shared experiences.
- Can use the go pro youtube channel.
Kids can take notes while they are watching something. (Pygmy Seahorse Video).
Stopping and starting the video while they are note taking. Not taking in a pair/with a buddy. Telling them what notes they should have from the part they were watching. Prompting is really important when doing this. Get them to identify their best note.
Drama can be very powerful when writing- adding in the language that you want them to use when they are writing. Can be a lot more ready to write after they have moved around. Motivate the kids with an idea of writing.
Talk topic:
Would you rather? Talk to a buddy and share an idea.
Give students the opportunity to write about what they want to write about.
Lots of websites to get ideas.
Lesson introductions:
Agree and unpack the criteria. Make the intro interactive not just you talking to them. Give them something to use during this time- could be their word card (keep them as active learners).
Clear criteria and challenge- they don't need to write it down.
-Visual- pictures
-Memorable - 3 is enough too many and they won't remember, they can have the some success criteria over the same week.
-Measurable- need to be able to find that they have done it in their writing.
Circle the words from the word card. Louise talked about how important it is for kids to look back in their books to see how they did.
Short sentences, medium and long- mix it up to make it more exciting.
5 minutes of modelling is just right- this could be 1/2 sentences- can be a little but from you and then they help you. Don’t have to model to all the kids all the time.
Partner checks- someone has listened to your writing.
1/3- teacher
1/3- self
1/3- peer
Can make individual timetable for students that may need it.
- students that always come to the teacher
- students that need extra support
Read your own writing in a quiet voice, can you find 3 mistakes?
Make the self check something that your kids aren't doing eg full stops.
Use a highlighter for what the students did well.
Partner checks:
Give positive feedback to their buddy first. Sheena talked about creating the positive classroom culture first.
Can use the 2 stars 1 wish idea for this. Keep it simple -what do you like and why "I like because..." Need to find the stars before we can talk about the wish.
Lesson wrap ups- very formative for you and makes sure you don't have to go through all the books at the end of writing.
Can use this time to model what you want the students to do.
This also gives a finish time to writing and can prompt kids to finish/have some writing to review.
Can review the SC during this time.
Someones writing is used as the exemplar for the check.
Sharing circle- share 1 sentence, a few words from their writing.
Planning ideas:
Organising ideas-
- Discussion
- List or notes
- Criteria - this can be enough for them to follow.
- Talking frames
- Picture plans- say it, write it, check it.
- Brainstorms
- Symbols
- T charts / Y charts
- Planning sheets - take your time with these and we don't need to have them every time we write.
Mini lessons:
What could everyone benefit from doing.
Punctuation mime.
Complex sentences-
My goal:
Teach students how to self check their own writing- model what we need to do.