Tuesday, September 17, 2019

DFI #4- Collaborative Sites

Wednesday 18th September 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

- After listening to Dorothy via google hangout this morning it made me realise how important for kids to share to an actual audience and that it is much more powerful for students to share using blogger than just sharing in class with other students and teachers. It was also very interesting learning about how the blogs are set up so the kids can use them safely.  

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

- I learnt how to create a site that I could use to introduce a topic to students and that I can keep the site saved in my drive to use anytime I want to do that topic again. Keeping it all in my drive in a sites folder that is shared with viewing access was helpful to know so anytime I add or create a resource I know everyone will make sure that everyone has access 
- I also learned that I can use Hapara to check my students blog posts and comments so that will make checking on their blogs much faster!

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?

- I can use Google sites and update my current site to make it more multi-modal. I will use this to introduce topics or to add more resources to my literacy and numeracy pages which I m hoping will make my kids more engaged when they are on our site.   

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

- Pre-planning my site was really helpful to organise my thoughts and ideas- I will definitely do this more to plan out other things. 

Was amazing to get some much time to practise what we had learnt. It was amazing to be in Paihia and be so close to the beach!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

DFI #3 Dealing with Data

Wednesday 11th September 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani’s Learn kaupapa and pedagogy?

Looking at create to learn again was really good and a good reminder of what we have learnt about it already. It was good to be reminded of how important creating is for learners do and gives them amazing opportunities to problem solve.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

How to use google forms and sheets. I can use google forms with my learners to get information about their learning and can put this data into google sheets.
Here is my practise google form from today- Google Form

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?

I learnt how I can turn google forms into a quiz- I could use this to make some fun questions for the kids and also as an assessment tool to help my teaching. I also have more ideas of how I can promote creating within my program more often.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

I learnt how to add places to my google maps which will be cool to make a wish list of places I want to visit and places that I have visited. This is an example of one that I created today.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

DFI #2- Workflow

Wednesday 4th September 2019

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani’s Learn kaupapa and pedagogy?

I learnt how learn/ako links to the curriculum and how its about what we are already doing and how the digital world links with this. It also made me think about what "learn" looks like at my school and what is happening in my school. 
At my school we have PD, SENCO, RTLB's, mentoring, Phonics, DFI, Quick 60 and many more things that support the learn kaupapa.  

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

How to use google hangouts set up, invite and check availability of the people you are inviting - could use this for staff meetings or if someone is away and need to be apart of a meeting.  

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  

Screen recording- quick time. Could use this to record things that I want the kids to learn and they can use this to help them do certain task. I want to record my-self embedding into a blog so the kids can watch that to help them remember how to do this.
When we did this it did not record the sound be we now know that we have to turn this on when we are screen recording.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

I learnt how to organise my Gmail so different emails can be filtered to labels and have organised my Gmail so that my important emails are the first emails I see which has made my gmail much easier to look at and use. 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Manaiakalani PD- Share

Tuesday 3rd September 2019

Share/Connect- Slides

Types of sharing- 
1:1- face to face
1:group 30 people
1:Crowd 30-1000 people
1:world- global (blogging). 
Looking at the positive not the negative.

Can set up an email that you can send a bog post to so can do a blog post via email. 

Summer learning journal- activities for kids to do over the summer holidays- helps to keep kids on to their learning. 

Now that there is data for Manaiakalani it has shown that year 9's from non Manaiakalani are 2 years below the national norm.