Tuesday, August 27, 2019

DFI #1 - Core Business

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

After today's session I have learnt more about how the learn, create, share kaupapa can increase achievement across all learners. It was also awesome to hear from Dorothy how Manaiakalani started and came to be in so many schools. It felt like we were being told a lot of things very quickly but it was really great to be able to practice and play around with some of the new things we had been taught.

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional? 

I learnt a lot of new short cuts that make day to day use so much faster and easier to use- ctrl shift V to paste without original formatting and command shift T to open recently closed tabs. I also learnt different things like voice to text to help assist some of the kids in my class. I also learnt easy ways to keep my drive tidy and in the order that I want. 

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?

I learnt how to use the explore button more and can get my kids to do different activities where they have to search for images or information or something from there google drive. I also learnt about making poster and how using a table can be a really easy way for the kids to make posters. I can also teach my learners to use voice to text when typing for some of my less capable writers and also get them to use read&write so they can listen back to what they said and use this as an editing tool.  

I was also able to create a poster using some of the things that I learnt today.

Kohia BT program

Session 1- 8th March 2019

2 truths and a lie-

Notice, recognise, respond(often means change) and revisit. (similar to inquiry cycle).

Flexible approach to grouping- need to have this with all groups.

Principles of grouping- 
- Flexible
- Mixed
- Offering opportunity
- Change

Christine Rubi Davies- becoming a high expectations teacher

Change/re-arrange groups and try things for a few weeks to see if they work.

Reflection Strategy- (Critical Thinking) 

R-3 (Re-call)

I-2  (Insight)

Q-1 (Question)

Morning so far-
Q- how can I communicate with parents/teacher aide about what we are doing with mixed ability groups? Getting away from levels with reading.

Invite parents in.

EC20 form-
Mentorship- very important need to have this from both schools.
Classroom observations- doesn't have to be from mentor teacher.
Get letter from principal to say what you have been doing while at school/who your mentor is.
2 obs a term

Session 2- 5th April 2019

Reflections- write down what is happening, keep out the feelings, write down the facts what is actually happening.
If you are making changes reflect back on the changes and make sure the change has worked.

Science Video-
1. Concept
2.Cognitive Conflict- ideas that conflict each other.
3. Constucting the learning- different things to look
4. Consider- when you are out out of the pitt- what does it mean to be a learner (real learning).
The Learning Pitt

Get them to think more- challenge and think more ask questions. Build on each others answer "I found it" share and talk and repeat.

Make a space- art collaboratively.
Leaders- change them each term.

Friday 7th June 2019
Ice-breakers to use with kids
- whisper game
- written conversation
- I remember....

Lesson with year 4's-
Grace, Troy, Luke, Eden and Mykael
1- introduce ourselves through a game 2 truths and a lie
2- quiz questions about the sharks- that linked to the book
3- read the whole story- stop and make predictions about what is going to happen next
4- talked about the characters and lead into the hot seat task
5- interview that characters while recording the questions they asked
6- draw a wanted picture about one of the characters

Could have scaffolded the hot seat task better- ideas about the characters
introduce who we are and the purpose of what we are doing

Lesson Reflection-
Would have been good to have one more activity to do at the end. Kids worked well and enjoyed the story we chosen. Good to have an art focus for the group that we have.

Friday 2nd August 2019
Ohaeawai Primary School.

T Shaped Literacy- mixed ability a range of texts that they use relating to the term focus.
https://maths.prototec.co.nz/ Basic facts